Friday, October 19, 2007

Couper Goes To Kindergarten - Pregame Pep Talk

Tonight Couper and I had a time-tested little talk. The kind that only a Big Buddy and a Little Buddy could have on the night before a Little Buddy's first day of Kindergarten...

Big Buddy: Couper, no matter what, all we expect is that you try your hardest and do your best in school tomorrow.

Little Buddy: {Stares at his Big Buddy}

Big Buddy: Hopefully you will come away with something from this class and be a better puppy for it.

Little Buddy: {Looks around for something to chew}

Big Buddy: At the very least, we hope you don't get expelled.

Little Buddy: {Finds something to chew, but is pulled back by his Big Buddy}

Big Buddy: And if you have to get expelled, please do it in the first week or two so that we can sleep in on Saturday sooner.

Little Buddy: {Lifts Big Buddy's hand with his nose to start a neck scratching session}

Big Buddy: And maybe get more of our tuition money back.

Little Buddy: {Lies relaxed. Enjoys his neck scratch}

Big Buddy: Yup, getting expelled in the seventh week would totally suck.

Little Buddy: {Stares at Big Buddy}

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