Monday, May 5, 2008

Loose Ends From a Busy Weekend

The weekend is over, and we are all exhausted, especially Couper/Godiva's Mommy. We are grateful to get back to work so that we can get some sleep.

We got Couper when he was 11 months. Couper's Mommy has had experience with little puppies, but I have not, so this has been quite the weekend for me. I went through a lot of the fun in the last two posts, so here are the remaining (or repeating, who remembers what I wrote) tidbits.

Like all puppies, so I am told, Godiva sleeps a lot. Except, it seems, during the night. Last night at 2:30AM, she decided that it was snack and play time. Godiva's Mommy told me all about how she figured this out, but it was 2:3oAM, so I remember nothing after Godiva's high pitched shrieks stopped. So Godiva's Mommy took her out, gave her a little to eat and let her run around like a nut for 10 minutes before she tired herself out and they went back to bed. I know eating and playing are signs of being healthy, but doing them at 2:3oAM??? That can't be right. That's when college kids eat and play.

By the time we got Couper, he was thankfully past his teething (or at least his nipping) stage. Godiva is not. She has the littlest, but sharpest teeth. When she nips, they feel like little needles piercing you. Her claws have the same feel, so when you hold her, and she nips AND digs, it must be what acupuncture feels like (my bad back is cured). She is very into chewing. The following is a short list of things she enjoys chewing: Fingers, toes, the sofa, Couper's steps to the sofa, blankets, shirts, bones, carpet, floor mats, artificial turf, her tail, toys, shoes, and shoe laces. I told her that I wanted to come out of the weekend with the same number of fingers and toes as I had entering the weekend. I did, 10 in 10 out for each. Helps me count. Godiva's Mommy came out with whatever number of fingers and toes she had entering as well.

Couper/Godiva's Mommy has mentioned at least five times in the last few days that the house ratio of boys to girls is finally even at 2:2. Couper and I had never really realized it was 2:1 for us all these years. Maybe that is a byproduct of the Tyranny of the Majority. Couper/Godiva's Mommy has not told us what the implications of this new even power structure is, but I can only fear that Desperate Housewives will now be on all four TVs instead of the usual three. We may need to get a male puppy very soon.

Back to our irregularly scheduled nonsense soon (or not).

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